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7. How does desire give rise to “birth”? #KURAL 361

#KURAL 361 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 7

How does desire give rise to “birth”? 

God's Resolve and Compassion!
Desire is a key instrument in God's creation. Without desire, there is no movement! Every desire is like a rise of wave from the ocean and must return back, i.e., either it must be fulfilled or given up. 

All unfulfilled desires and their variants of an individual, at the time of death, will give rise to rebirth until all desires are expiated. Hence, the Desire is declared by Sri Valluvar as the "unfailing seed" for birth, at all times. 

In this Kural, Sri Valluvar mentions that the desire is the basis for "all life forms." While desire is the basis for all life forms for their evolution, except for human being all else act instinctively according to their respective nature. Whereas human being, with his "special gift" of free-will, can desire as he wishes. Hence, the reference here is particularly applicable to human beings.

The creation process is designed in such a way that the reincarnating being is provided the best combination of specific time, location, and environment in order to expiate the maximum set of that individual's unfulfilled desires. This reincarnating cycle goes on endlessly, until the individual gets liberated upon relinquishing desires.

Although God is indirectly responsible for the creation, He like a good parent keeps providing unfailing care and the best opportunities for every created individual, however long it takes, until that individual seeks Him on their own will. As an Unconditional Lover, He keeps on.....waiting for our return without any resentment or getting tired, even if the wait may take eons!

அவா என்ப எல்லா உயிர்க்கும் எஞ்ஞான்றும்
தவாஅப் பிறப்பு ஈனும் வித்து.

"avaa enba ella uyirkkum egyanRum 
tavaa'ap pirappu eenum vittu" 

(egyanRum = at all times; tavaa'ap = tavaRaap = unfailing)
(OK, why does a desire rise in a person? what is worthy for a person to desire?
We will see the answers in the next two Kural, Brother!)
Jai Gurudev! AUM!
