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2. As you think, so do you become! #KURAL 666

#KURAL 666 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 2
"As you think, so do you become!" really? How is that possible?
Whatever thoughts we think in our mind, as they become stronger and intense, the thoughts will start materializing! Because, this whole world is made up consciousness only.

எண்ணிய எண்ணியாங்கு எய்துப; எண்ணியார்
திண்ணியர் ஆகப் பெறின்.

eNNiya eNNiyaangu eidhupa; eNNiyaar
thiNNiyar aagap peRin.
(OK... but, you didn't answer how is this related to Meditation? Also, why is that sometimes, even if we think strongly, it does not happen?
Please wait, Sister, the "cooking" is almost complete... will serve it in the next posting!)
Jai Gurudev! AUM!
