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10. Base People are Better than Good People in a sense! #KURAL 1072

#KURAL 1072 Recently Occurred in Mind

#KROM 10. Base People are Better than Good People in a sense!
People with base qualities are better than the virtuous people, in the sense that base people do not suffer as much as the latter do. Again, Sri Valluvar deploys subtle sarcasm here!

Good people worry about making sure that they follow proper conduct, i.e., doing the right thing without delay or failure and avoiding wrong things without failure, etc. The base people's consciousness gets so degenerated to the extent that they become indifferent to these "human" sensibilities. They get to a point where they may not be able to comprehend even their own problems!

நன்று அறிவாரின் கயவர் திரு உடையர்
நெஞ்சத்து அவலம் இலர்.

nanRu aRivaarin kayavar thiru uDaiyar
nenjathu avalam ilar.

Many of the addictive habits (drugs, alcohol, pornography, violent video games, etc.) that the society declares as evil all have one thing in common: that is to degenerate the addicted person's consciousness!  Some people with these habits claim that they are good to others and do good to others and do not worry about their "personal" debilitating effects resulting from these habits. This is a clever but an unwise argument! For example, a breast feeding mother who is starving for food can feed her baby only so much before she succumbs to death! Similarly, you can take care of others only so much while your well-being is decapacitating!

(Y. Brother: Interesting... I used to wonder why the society declares certain personal habits as evil; now I see a reason why it is doing so. Again, I am still waiting for the clarity on how these base people are "lower" than the most miserable ones?
Yes, Let's see two more Kurals from this chapter which will make it clear!)
Jai Gurudev! AUM!
