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12. Amazing Paradox: So Similar Yet Poles Apart! #KURAL 1071

#KURAL 1071 Recently Occurred in Mind

#KROM 12. Amazing Paradox: So Similar Yet Poles Apart!
In this Kural, Sri Valluvar puts low-minded people on one side of the balancing scale and common people on the other side and weighs!

The lowly look exactly similar to commoners, however, in their character both sets are poles apart. Sri Valluvar declares that he has not seen such a paradox between two groups in any single race of the animal kingdom!

By not using "people" word to refer the lowly and on the other hand commoners are referred just as "people" without any adjectives, he is also hinting that the base people are so low in their consciousness level that they cannot even be considered as people! :-(

மக்களே போல்வர் கயவர் அவரன்ன
ஒப்பாரி யாம் கண்டது இல்.

makkalE pOlvar kayavar avaranna
oppaari yaam kaNDadhu il.

(Y. Brother: It is a bit disturbing to think about the base people's state the way how Valluvar described! Is it really even possible for them to come out of this state?
It will be a surprise to you! When I first read this chapter, I wondered how come Valluvar has described my characteristics so vividly! At the same time, it gave me chill in my spine how would I ever come out of it. With God and Guru's grace, I found help by following the two paramount maxims to become what I am now. These will help any person in however worse state he/she is in and they are:

1) "I want to become a good person" - keep this attitude always as your life line.

2) Seek company of good people earnestly.

Let us see what Sri Valluvar has said related to these maxims in next few Kurals...)
Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in Sourashtra) (in English)
