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Showing posts from February, 2015

12. Amazing Paradox: So Similar Yet Poles Apart! #KURAL 1071

#KURAL 1071 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 12. Amazing Paradox: So Similar Yet Poles Apart! ---- In this Kural, Sri Valluvar puts low-minded people on one side of the balancing scale and common people on the other side and weighs! The lowly look exactly similar to commoners, however, in their character both sets are poles apart. Sri Valluvar declares that he has not seen such a paradox between two groups in any single race of the animal kingdom! By not using "people" word to refer the lowly and on the other hand commoners are referred just as "people" without any adjectives, he is also hinting that the base people are so low in their consciousness level that they cannot even be considered as people! :-( மக்களே போல்வர் கயவர் அவரன்ன ஒப்பாரி யாம் கண்டது இல். makkalE pOlvar kayavar avaranna oppaari yaam kaNDadhu il. (Y. Brother: It is a bit disturbing to think about the base people's state the way how Valluvar described! Is it really even possible

11. Base People Are Unaware of Human Beings Value!

#KURAL 1080 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 11.  Base People Are Unaware of Human Beings Value! ---- People with base qualities do not undergo much suffering; however, if they happen to consider something as bothering them, that's enough! They run hither and thither for help and short sell themselves to others at that instant! Here, "selling" does not imply the transaction that involves only money. They commit or promise to others disproportionately (at times the same thing to multiple people as well) for the help they may receive in return! In summary, the people with base qualities do not know how to discriminate between right and wrong or to use the free-will to choose what is right for them. These special qualities that are unique to human beings get ignorantly undervalued by the base people!          எற்றற்கு உரியர் கயவர் ஒன்று உற்றக்கால் விற்றற்கு உரியர் விரைந்து. eRRaRku uriyar kayavar onru uRRakkaal viRRaRku uriyar viraindhu. (Y. Brother: Ouch! Wh

10. Base People are Better than Good People in a sense! #KURAL 1072

#KURAL 1072 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 10. Base People are Better than Good People in a sense! ---- People with base qualities are better than the virtuous people, in the sense that base people do not suffer as much as the latter do. Again, Sri Valluvar deploys subtle sarcasm here! Good people worry about making sure that they follow proper conduct, i.e., doing the right thing without delay or failure and avoiding wrong things without failure, etc. The base people's consciousness gets so degenerated to the extent that they become indifferent to these "human" sensibilities. They get to a point where they may not be able to comprehend even their own problems! நன்று அறிவாரின் கயவர் திரு உடையர் நெஞ்சத்து அவலம் இலர். nanRu aRivaarin kayavar thiru uDaiyar nenjathu avalam ilar. Many of the addictive habits (drugs, alcohol, pornography, violent video games, etc.) that the society declares as evil all have one thing in common: that is to degenerate the addicted

9. People with Base Qualities are like Devas! #KURAL 1073

#KURAL 1073 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 9. People with Base Qualities are like Devas! ---- It is unpredictable how Devas (Astral Beings) act and in a similar manner the people with base qualities act, according to their whims and fancies. The base do not follow any rules and codes of proper conduct! தேவர் அனையர் கயவர்; அவரும் தாம் மேவன செய்து ஒழுகலான். dEvar anaiyar kayavar; avarum thaam mEvana seithu ozhugalaan. (kayavar = people with baseness) Freedom is not in doing the way one wants to, but it is in doing the way one should! (Y. Brother: I thought, saints are serious in nature; isn't Sri Valluvar being sarcastic here? Also, from this Kural, it is not yet clear to me how these people are "lower" than the most miserable ones? In this chapter and many other places, Sri Valluvar used sarcasm at its best! While it is wounding, the sarcastic remarks make a person to think deeper. ... Let's see a couple of more Kurals from this chapter which wi

8. Who is the "most miserable fellow" in the world? #KURAL 850

#KURAL 850 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 8 Who is the "most miserable fellow" in the world? ---- In America, many people have some form of psychiatric disorders (*). Now, since Indians (and most of the world) follow their Western culture and attitudes, these disorders are on the rise in India as well. Is there any reason behind it? or Is it just a random occurrence? Sri Valluvar cites an important attitude that is at the root of this epidemic, in this Kural: Those who deny what nobles (those with Universal Consciousness) declare as truth will be considered as "ghouls." உலகத்தார் உண்டு என்பது இல் என்பான் வையத்து அலகையா வைக்கப் படும். ulagattaar uNDu enbatu il enbaan vaiyaattu alagaiyaa vaikkap paDum. (alagai = ghost) ( {Our younger brother who was listening quietly so far, vehemently interjecting}... this is the reason why I don't listen to any of these "religious" people or read their works; they keep telling "high" ideal

7. How does desire give rise to “birth”? #KURAL 361

#KURAL 361 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 7 How does desire give rise to “birth”?  God's Resolve and Compassion! ---- Desire is a key instrument in God's creation. Without desire, there is no movement! Every desire is like a rise of wave from the ocean and must return back, i.e., either it must be fulfilled or given up.  All unfulfilled desires and their variants of an individual, at the time of death, will give rise to rebirth until all desires are expiated. Hence, the Desire is declared by Sri Valluvar as the "unfailing seed" for birth, at all times.  In this Kural, Sri Valluvar mentions that the desire is the basis for "all life forms." While desire is the basis for all life forms for their evolution, except for human being all else act instinctively according to their respective nature. Whereas human being, with his "special gift" of free-will, can desire as he wishes. Hence, the reference here is particularly applicable to

6. Why is “desire” mentioned as the worst pain? ‪#‎KURAL 370

 #KROM 6.  Why is “desire” mentioned as the worst pain?   Why is “desire” mentioned as the worst pain? What is that to do with creation and evolution? Does the attainment of “Continuous Bliss” only applicable in this birth?   ---- Desires can never completely be fulfilled until they are given up. One desire leads to another in an endless progression or transforms into other kinds of negative qualities, such as anger, jealousy, etc.  Every desire would require a means to experience it. For example, desiring any sensual pleasures will require a physical body with senses to experience those pleasures. So, as long as desire is there, one will keep reincarnating and will not be able to attain the Eternal Unchanging state with Never-Ending Bliss.  When those birth-causing desires are given up completely, at that moment, even while in body, one can attain Liberation. Those saints that are liberated while in body are known as “Jeevan Muktaas!” There is no more reincarnation after tha

5. Why God created us? #KURAL 369

#KURAL 369 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 5 Why God created us? ---- This is a very profound and mysterious question which nobody can objectively explain and prove it. Since the very purpose of human birth is to answer this question individually with their own life, in order to graduate out of this world “school”! (Come on… don’t try to skirt answering it! At least tell me, what you believe in as the plausible reason for the Wholly All-Perfect God creating us?) OK... one explanation saints mention is that All-Perfect, Wholly Complete God has intended to share His End-less Ever-New Bliss by dividing Himself. There cannot be two “Whole”s possible at the same time! So, He made (and continues to make) the creation, out of His Infinite Consciousness, filled with an innumerable variety of forms, by limiting their consciousness from lowest to the highest degree, by His Unlimited Power. All these created forms are designed to evolve continuously into higher consciousness until they f

4. What is God? #KURAL 1

#KURAL 1 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 4 What is God? ---- To define God completely with the limited mind or speech is not possible! However, God-realized saints, out of compassion, for the sake of humanity, have described God with certain important aspects, commonly. That description is as follows: “God is source of all (universes, life forms, etc.), is present in all inside out, is ever existing, being One appears like many in variety of names and forms by Its Unlimited Power, is Perfect, is Endless Bliss, Completely Conscious!” In short, God is “Sat-Chit-Ananda (Ever-existing, Ever-Conscious, Ever-new Bliss)!” With an analogy, it is easier to understand (however, stretching this example by adding more variables will make it fall apart, as said above no “limited” example can describe “Unlimited” God completely :-( ): God is like a big ocean and all the universes and life forms are like its waves. From the ocean, a wave with a form gets created (creation), remains as a w

3. What is Meditation? What are its benefits? #KURAL 265

#KURAL 265 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 3 What is Meditation? What are its benefits? How does it make one get rid of "lack of fulfillment"? What is the need for doing it here and now? ---- Meditation is a physio-psychological technique used to concentrate on God. Proper practice leads to the "samaadhi" state (Don't be confused with the same term used for referring to the burial sites ;)) ! In samaadhi state, meditator's human consciousness becomes one with the Universal Consciousness! In that state, what a person desires (human will) will be in tune with the Divine Will and will materialize for sure as a result. Hence, Sri vaLLuvar states, வேண்டிய வேண்டியாங்கு எய்தலால் செய் தவம் ஈண்டு முயலப் படும். "vENDiya vENDiyaangu eithalaal sei thavam eeNDu muyalap paDum." Several saints have declared that it is a rare privilege to take a human birth ("aridhu aridhu maaniDaraaip piRaththal aridhu")! Here the Poet reiterates it wit

2. As you think, so do you become! #KURAL 666

#KURAL 666 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 2 --- "As you think, so do you become!" really? How is that possible? Whatever thoughts we think in our mind, as they become stronger and intense, the thoughts will start materializing! Because, this whole world is made up consciousness only. எண்ணிய எண்ணியாங்கு எய்துப; எண்ணியார் திண்ணியர் ஆகப் பெறின். eNNiya eNNiyaangu eidhupa; eNNiyaar thiNNiyar aagap peRin. --- (OK... but, you didn't answer how is this related to Meditation? Also, why is that sometimes, even if we think strongly, it does not happen? ... Please wait, Sister, the "cooking" is almost complete... will serve it in the next posting!) --- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM!

1. Why do lots of people in the world complain they don't have this or that? #KURAL 270

#‎KURAL‬ 270 Recently Occurred in Mind #‎KROM‬ 1 ---- Why do lots of people in the world complain they don't have this or that? It is because lots of people don't meditate and only a few meditate. இலர் பலர் ஆகிய காரணம் யாதெனின்? நோற்பார்  சிலர் பலர் நோலாதார். ilar palar aagiya kaaraNam yaadhenin? nORpAr silar; palar nOlaadhaar. ---- (Yeah? How will meditation make a person get rid of the lacking feeling? Answer is in the next post ;-)) #‎PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! ‪