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60. "Immediate Execution of Karma!" #KURAL 29

#KROM 60. "Immediate Execution of Karma!"

Even if it is for a split moment, withstanding the wrath (power) of the realized saints of high caliber is extremely difficult!

குணம் என்னும் குன்றேறி நின்றார் வெகுளி
கணம் ஏயும் காத்தல் அரிது. 29

guNam ennum kunRu ERi ninRaar veguLi
gaNamEyum kaatthal aridhu.

It is quite rare to provoke a truly realized soul. However, if any misadventure ends up provoking such a saint, the execution of the karmic justice is immediate. The following story about Swami Trailanga of Benaras, from "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, illustrates this point:
In spite of his round face and huge, barrel-like stomach, Swami Trailanga ate only occasionally. After weeks without food, he would break his fast with potfuls of clabbered milk {Butter milk} offered to him by devotees. A skeptic once determined to expose Trailanga as a charlatan. A large bucket of calcium-lime mixture, used in whitewashing walls, was placed before the swami.

"Master," the materialist said, in mock reverence, "I have brought you some clabbered milk. Please drink it."

Trailanga unhesitatingly drained, to the last drop, the containerful of burning lime. In a few minutes the evildoer fell to the ground in agony.

"Help, swami, help!" he cried. "I am on fire! Forgive my wicked test!"

The great yogi broke his habitual silence. "Scoffer," he said, "you did not realize when you offered me poison that my life is one with your own. Except for my knowledge that God is present in my stomach, as in every atom of creation, the lime would have killed me. Now that you know the divine meaning of boomerang, never again play tricks on anyone."

The well-purged sinner, healed by Trailanga's words, slunk feebly away.

The reversal of pain was not due to any volition of the master, but came about through unerring application of the law of justice which upholds creation's farthest swinging orb. Men of God-realization like Trailanga allow the divine law to operate instantaneously; they have banished forever all thwarting crosscurrents of ego.

#108GURU 26. ॐ अपरिमित शक्तिधर सत्वगुणोत्तमाय  नमः
ஓம்  அபரிமித சக்தித4ர ஸத்வகு3ணோத்தமாய   நம:

#KURAL 29 Recently Occurred in Mind
#PHD (D.l. Sivakumar)
Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)
