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50. "Knowledge is Endless!" #KURAL 407

#KROM 50. "Knowledge is Endless!"

A person with professional getup who does not have acumen for learning to cover depth and breadth with a penetrating intensity is like a well-decorated clay-toy!

நுண் மாண் நுழை புலம் இல்லான் எழில் நலம்
மண் மாண் புனைபாவை அற்று.  407

nuN maaN nuzhai pulam illaan ezhil nalam
maN maaN punaipaavai aRRu.

Many hit a plateau of boredom after a comparable material success since they typically are unaware of the wide variety of subjects where they can usefully utilize their time. The knowledge is endless. One must have capability to dive deep, to a tiny particle level, and to cover breadth, as vast as the sky, with a penetrating intensity. The more one learns the more vistas open up!

The great poet-saint Avvaiyaar echoes this Kural in her Vinayagar Agaval:
"அணுவிற்கு அணுவாய் அப்பாலுக்கு அப்பாலாய்
கணு முற்றி நின்ற கரும்புள்ளே காட்டி"

There are several bodies of knowledge in the Sanatana Dharma (traditional name for Hinduism) where one lifetime is too short to acquire mastery even in one major category!

ShaT darsanas or pramaaNaas (Six "philosophies") is one classification {1}:
1. Nyaya (Logic)
2. Vaiseshika (Atomic Individuality)
3. Saankhya (Listing - 25 principles)
4. Yoga (Union with the Ultimate)
5. Mimamsa or pUrva Mimamsa (Interpretation of Vedic rites)
6. Vedanta or uttara Mimamsa (Knowledge of the Ultimate)
 a) Advaita (Oneness without duality)
 b) VishisTadvaita (Oneness with specialization)
 c) Achintya bhedaabheda (Inconceivable Difference and Oneness)
 d) Dvaita (Duality)

Chaturdasa Vidyaasthaana (14 bodies of knowledge) is another classification (some overlap with the above) {2}:
Four Vedas:
1. Rig Veda
2. Yajur Veda
3. Sama Veda
4. AtharvaNa Veda

Six Vedaangaa (The limbs of Vedas):
5. Siksha (Vedic Phonetics)
6. VyakaraNam (Grammer)
7. Chandas (Metre; Prosody)
8. Niruktam or NigaNDu (Etymology)
9. Jyotisham (Astrology/Astronomy)
10. Kalpam (Methods & Procedure)

Four Upaangaas (Subordinate Limbs):
11. Mimamsa or pUrva Mimamsa (Interpretation of Vedic rites)
12. Nyaya (Logic)
13. PuraaNaa (Elucidation of Vedic principles through Stories)
14. Dharma Saastraas or Smriti (Codes of conduct)

#108GURU 16. ॐ अणोरणीय महोन्नत अन्तगत विद्यारूडाय नमः
ஓம் அணோரணீய மஹோன்னத அந்தக3த வித்3யாரூடா4ய  நம:

#KURAL 407 Recently Occurred in Mind
1- History Of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I, by Prof. Surendranath DasGupta;
 Indian Philosophy, Vol. 2 by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

2 - Deivatthin Kural, 2nd part (in Tamil) By Kanchi Paramacharyar Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati 
The Hindu Dharma, part 5 - 15 (in English) By Kanchi Paramacharyar Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati 
Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)
