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Showing posts from June, 2015

68. "Dead While Living vs. True Living!" #KURAL 214

#KROM 68. "Dead While Living vs. True Living!" One who help others by understanding their (common) need is truly living; the other indifferent one is considered dead while living! ஒத்தது அறிவான் உயிர் வாழ்வான் மற்றையான் செத்தாருள் வைக்கப் படும்.  214 otthadhu aRivaan uyir vaazhvaan maRRaiyaan setthaaruL vaikkap paDum. (otthadhu = similar or common) In this Kural, Sri Valluvar reiterates the importance of proactively helping others which is essential for living. In life, unless one progresses upward, by default, he is on the downward mode only. One cannot remain neutral or indifferent, which will sooner or later become a negative state. Here, Sri Valluvar also gives a hint by mentioning "similar or common" aspect that the needs of all human beings have the same essence, i.e., increase happiness; decrease pain ("sukha pravrutti; dukha nivrutti"). --- #108GURU 34. ॐ सर्वजन जीवन परोपकाराय नमः ஓம் ஸர்வஜன ஜீவன பரோபகாராய நம: #KURAL 214 Recently

67. "How to Become Prosperous?" #KURAL 527

#KROM 67. "How to Become Prosperous?" A crow does not hide, when it finds its feed; instead calls its kind to share and feeds together. Those who do likewise (sharing their wealth with others without shielding it), will find their prosperity continue to grow! காக்கை கரவா கரைந்து உண்ணும் ஆக்கமும் அன்ன நீரார்க்கே உள.  527 kaakkai karavaa karaindhu uNNum aakkamum anna nIraarkkE uLa. It is a good thing that many work hard for their family but, after a certain point, if they are afflicted by the syndrome of "Us Four No More!," their growth will invariably hit a plateau. Here, the secret of continued success is spelled out. In a feast, when you call for food for the person sitting next to you, your empty plate will also get served along with. Similarly, the best way to develop one's prosperity is to include others' welfare in it. --- #108GURU 33. ॐ सकल ऐश्वर्य सम्पद् प्रतिभागाय नमः ஓம் ஸகல ஐச்வர்ய ஸம்பத்3 பிரதிபா4கா3ய நம: #KURAL 527 Recently Occurr

66. "Evil of Glutting!" #KURAL 947

#KROM 66. "Evil of Glutting!" Without properly sensing one's digestive capacity, feeding on large quantity gluttonously will develop innumerable diseases! தீ அளவன்றித் தெரியான் பெரிது உண்ணின் நோய் அளவின்றிப் படும்.  947 thee aLavanRith theriyaan peridhu uNNin nOi aLavinRip paDum. [thee ~ (digestive) fire] Continuing the dynamics of how to feed oneself, Sri Valluvar advises to develop the sense for one's digestive fire and its capacity. There is no "one size fits all". Depending on the physical constitution and the nature of work, the intake varies from person to person. The Mother Nature ingeniously distributes the resources to the need by appropriate matching. Likewise It expects human-beings, armed with intelligence, to act accordingly. There is only so much one must feed as his capacity permits, regardless of his affordability. Otherwise the nature automatically balances out the extra energy in the form of disease. --- #108GURU 32. ॐ दीप्ता

65. "Medicine-Free Living!" #KURAL 942

#KROM 65. "Medicine-Free Living!" No need for medicines, if you eat after making sure that the previously taken food is properly digested! மருந்து என வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது அற்றது போற்றி உணின்.  942 marundhu ena vENDaavaam yaakkaikku arundhiyadhu aRRadhu poRRi uNin. (yaakkai =  body ) Sri Valluvar describes here the dynamics of feeding oneself. One should eat only as much as he can digest! If you feed more than you can digest, even when you can afford, the food energy will end up dissipating in the form of disease. Instead, consistent with the "energy economics" theme we saw before, feeding other needy persons would be the proper investment one can make! Sri Parimel Azhagar in his "encyclopedic" Kural commentary (circa 10 - 12th century), provides a gist of ancient Ayurvedic texts{1} throughout this entire chapter (95. மருந்து). In this Kural, he mentions the following indications on how to know the previously taken food has digest

64. "Rain's Vital Benefit to the World!" #KURAL 12

#KROM 64. "Rain's Vital Benefit to the World!" O Rain, you become relishable food for those hunger-bound humans and higher life-forms who cannot survive without consuming it, in addition to being the life-giving water for the consumption of all life-forms! துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பு ஆய துப்பாக்கித் துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பு ஆயதூஉம் மழை. 12 thuppaarkkuth thuppu aaya thuppaakkith thupparkkuth thuppu aayathUum mazhai. (thuppu =  enjoyment; object of enjoyment; food  ) Sri Valluvar uses a "tongue-twister" figure of speech for describing the glory of rain in giving the vitality to the world. Hunger is a key aspect in the functioning of the world. It creates the need for food and the rain helps to fulfill the need, however, the fulfillment requires life-forms to exert effort on their part. Saint Vallalar echoes this Kural beautifully by praising the Lord for becoming the relishable healthy food in order to appease hunger in this world ("இப்பாரில் பசிக்கே தந்த

63. "The Safest Money Deposit!" #KURAL 226

#KROM 63. "The Safest Money Deposit!" The safest deposit one can invest his earned wealth is to feed the needy who are in the grip of emaciating hunger! அற்றார் அழிபசி தீர்த்தல் அஃது ஒருவன் பெற்றான் பொருள் வைப்புழி. 226 aRRaar azhipasi theertthal akhdhu oruvan peRRaan poruL vaippuzhi. (vaippuzhi = safety locker) Wealth, a form of energy, is not immediately perishable, but cannot benefit the earner beyond a life-time; Whereas food, another form of energy, is quickly perishable, but can last beyond a life-time as good karma resulting from saving the highly-evolved life forms from deterioration. As we saw before, the karma never expires until it yields its results. Here, Sri Valluvar connects these two opposite ends of the "energy economics" spectrum, by advising to convert one form of seemingly non-perishable, yet limited-use wealth to another form which is perishable, yet bestows never-expiring benefit. --- #108GURU 29. ॐ क्षुध्रोग निवारण अक्षय पदुमनिद

62. "Conquering Hunger is a Great Achievement!" #KURAL 225

#KROM 62. "Conquering Hunger is a Great Achievement!" Powerful are those who conquer their hunger, by meditation; even greater are those who eradicate hunger of others, by feeding them! ஆற்றுவார் ஆற்றல் பசியாற்றல் அப்பசியை மாற்றுவார் ஆற்றலின் பின். 225 aaRRuvaar aaRRal pasiyaaRRal appasiyai maaRRuvaar aaRRalin pin. In this Kural, Sri Valluvar mentions about an uncommon technique of transmuting life-force (praaNic energy) to conquer hunger. There are documented evidence of yogis{1} and even Christian saints {2} who lived by Universal Life-Energy (or God's Light) in place of food{3}. Although Sri Valluvar notes this as a great achievement, knowing the rarity of this feat, he pragmatically praises the act of feeding the poor as still greater achievement. Eradicating hunger is the best use the rich people can do by deploying their accumulated wealth, which is nothing but a form of potential energy. --- {1}- (Sai

61. "Breathlessness is Deathlessness!" #KURAL 269

#KROM 61. "Breathlessness is Deathlessness!" Even the death can be conquered by those who intensely perform meditation, under proper guidance! கூற்றம் குதித்தலும் கைகூடும் நோற்றலின் ஆற்றல் தலைப் பட்டவர்க்கு. 269 kURRam kudhitthalum kaikUDum nORRalin aaRRal thalaip paTTavarkku. Breathlessness is deathlessness! Breath is the cord that ties the soul to the body. It is proven via scientific research, the faster the rate of breathing of a life form and the shorter its longevity and the slower the breathing rate, the longer the longevity. One who achieves stillness in breath by mastering through genuine meditation techniques can overcome the death. Two passages from the Christian Bible closely relates to this concept: {1} Be still, and know that I am God. {2} So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where