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31. "Conscience is Eternally Vigilant" #KURAL 293

#KROM 31. "Conscience is Eternally Vigilant!"

Never betray knowingly, thinking that nobody is watching; Your own conscience will scorch you in return, without fail.

தன் நெஞ்சு அறிவது பொய்யற்க; பொய்த்த பின்
தன் நெஞ்சே தன்னைச் சுடும். 293

than nenju aRivadhu poyyaRka; poyttha pin
than nenjE thannaich chuDum.

One's own conscience is watching always in every state of consciousness and its scope is universal although it is centered in every human heart. It is said, "All things betray thee, who betrayest Me." (*) This is the biggest punishment one would get for a crime that apparently goes unnoticed by other human beings or by law enforcement!

#KURAL 293 Recently Occurred in Mind
* - THE HOUND OF HEAVEN by Francis Thompson
Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)
