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Showing posts from April, 2015

47. "Association is Stronger than Will Power!" #KURAL 454

#KROM 47. "Association is Stronger than Will Power!" One's intellectual attitude (or outlook) appears to be born of his mind, but, in reality, it is a result of the company he keeps! மனத்து உளது போலக் காட்டி ஒருவற்கு இனத்து உளது ஆகும் அறிவு. 454 manatthu uLadhu pOlak kaaTTi oruvaRku inatthu uLadhu aagum aRivu. As we saw earlier, the thoughts are universally not individually rooted, and so the formation of ideas follows the principle of receptivity. A set of multiple antennas collectively have a stronger receptivity of signals than an individual antenna. Similarly, depending on the company a person keeps his mental makeup is strongly influenced for better or worse. "Satsanga" (Association of the holy whose focus is on the Truth, i.e.,God) is of paramount importance for a spiritual aspirant. Sri Sankara Bhagavadpada says "Satsanga" leads to liberation in his famous Bhaja Govindam*. #108GURU 13. ॐ मुक्तिसाधन सत्संग वर्धनाय नमः ஓம் முக்திஸாத4

46. "Thoughts are Universal!" #KURAL 423

#KROM 46. "Thoughts are Universal!" A wise person will comprehend the true meaning behind the ideas that he hears from others regardless of their appearance or status. எப்பொருள் யார்யார் வாய் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு. 423 epporuL yaaryaar vaaik kETpinum apporuL meipporuL kaaNbathu aRivu. It is said that "Thoughts are universally, not individually, rooted." In this Kural, Sri Valluvar notes this impersonal, universal aspect of the truth. A person of discrimination must give higher weightage to the usefulness of the idea in order to accept it or not and assign lesser importance to the external factors. In Srimad Bhagavatham, it is mentioned that Sri DattaatrEya considered 24 different things of the world as his Guru*.   #108GURU 12. ॐ सर्वगत सद्गुरुतत्वाय नमः ஓம் ஸர்வக3த ஸத்3கு3ருதத்வாய  நம: #KURAL 423 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- * -   Timeless-Story-of-Guru-Dattatreya-and-his-24-teachers-.. --- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! ht

45. "A Subtle Head to Heart Relationship!" #KURAL 315

#KROM 45. "A Subtle Head to Heart Relationship!" What is the use of one's intellect if he is not able to protect others by feeling their pain as his own? அறிவினான் ஆகுவது உண்டோ பிறிதின் நோய் தம் நோய் போல் போற்றாக் கடை. 315 arivinaan aaguvadhu uNDO piRithin nOi tham nOi pOl pORRaak kaDai. Here Sri Valluvar illustrates a wonderful symbiotic relationship between the intelligence and the feeling. The development of intelligence, which is a refinement of the thought process, must go hand in hand with the heart's feeling and the growth of both faculties together culminates in true wisdom. An one-sided development leads to imbalance in one's temperament that would result in misunderstanding others of different temperament - a root cause of all types of conflicts. In this Kural, Sri Valluvar is not content with just discouraging a negative behavior of avoiding conflicts and he goes a step forward and encourages a positive behavior of alleviating pain of others!

44. "The Proper Healing Method" #KURAL 948

#KROM 44. "The Proper Healing (Problem-Solving) Method" A doctor treating a patient should first find out the manifested disease based on its symptoms, then find out its root cause and seek a proper remedy, and finally apply the remedy on the patient suitably, without any errors. நோய் நாடி நோய்முதல் நாடி அது தணிக்கும் வாய் நாடி வாய்ப்பச் செயல். 948 nOi naaDi nOimudhal naaDi adhu thaNikkum vaai naaDi vaaippach cheyal. This procedure is not only applicable for physical diseases but also is suitable for mental diseases. In general, for solving any problem this approach is useful. Many problems that manifest in physical plane have root causes in the mental plane, which is higher and subtler than the physical plane. In these cases, unless the mental issue is addressed, treating physical problem alone will be symptomatic and will not cure permanently. Similarly, many psychiatric disorders (mental issues) have root causes in causal or spiritual plane (e.g., insecurity, la

43. "Seek the Company of Noble men!" #KURAL 442

#KROM 43. "Seek the Company of Noble men!" Surround yourself in the protection of noble who can aid to redress your difficulties of the past and present, and prevent them from occurring in the future. உற்ற நோய் நீக்கி உறாஅமை முற்காக்கும் பெற்றியார்ப்  பேணிக் கொளல். 442 uRRa nOi nIkki uRaa amai muRkaakkum peRRiyaarp pENik koLal. The power of good company is of paramount importance! Finding a helpful person newly at the time of your difficulties is nearly impossible or will be less effective even if you happen to find one. It is far more effective to seek them actively in normal times and develop friendship with them so that they know your tendencies and environment. This familiarity will come handy, during trying circumstances, to address the issues holistically. #108GURU 9. ॐ त्रिकाले रक्षणकर मार्गबन्धवे नमः ஓம் த்ரிகாலே ரக்ஷணகர மார்க3ப3ந்த4வே நம: #KURAL 442 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) htt

42. "Wisdom - The Great Cleanser!" #KURAL 622

#KROM 42. "Wisdom - The Great Cleanser!" Even unending, terrible flood-like sufferings can be remedied by the deep thinking of the wise. வெள்ளத்து அனைய இடும்பை அறிவுடையான் உள்ளத்தின் உள்ளக் கெடும். 622 veLLatthu anaiya iDumbai aRivuDaiyaan uLLatthin uLLak keDum. It is said, "Ignorance is the mother of all evils." Operating in human consciousness at various levels, the ignorance manifests as lack of faith, mental inefficiencies, and various physical diseases. The only permanent cure for ignorance is wisdom! Sri Valluvar here gives a subtle hint to seek the counsel of the wise, if you are unable to address it yourself, by referring wise impersonally! #108GURU 8. ॐ सर्व दु:खार्णव नाशनाय नमः ஓம் ஸர்வ து3:கா2ர்ணவ நாசனாய  நம: #KURAL 622 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

41. "Learn From a Teacher" #KURAL 677

#KROM 41. "Learn From a Teacher" Learn a skill from one who has mastery on its workings, in a such a way that the teacher is pleased with your learning. செய்வினை செய்வான் செயல்முறை அவ்வினை உள்ளறிவான் உள்ளங் கொளல். 677 seivinai seivaan seyalmuRai avvvinai uLLaRivaan uLLang koLal. Besides saving time in not "reinventing the wheel", a few other advantages are there for learning from a master vs. self-learning: 1) the confidence level will be higher in the student who learnt it from a master and this is typically achieved from the non-verbal aspects. 2) As the student was helped by the master, although subtle, the student feels the joy in his heart (and the master too) whenever, in perpetuity, the feeling of gratitude is expressed. #108GURU 7. ॐ गुरुशिष्य पारंपर पोषकाय नमः ஓம் கு3ருசிஷ்ய பாரம்பர போஷகாய நம: #KURAL 677 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sour

40. "Help Others Expecting No Reciprocity!" #KURAL 211

#KROM 40. "Help Others Expecting No Reciprocity!" How can the world repay its debt to the life-giving rain? A capable one, like rain,  helps other deserving people, as a duty, without expecting reciprocation. கைம்மாறு வேண்டா கடப்பாடு மாரிமாட்டு என் ஆற்றுங் கொல்லோ உலகு. 211 kaimmaaRu vENDaa kaDappaaDu maarimaaTTu en aaRRung kollO ulagu. (kaimmaaRu = recompense; kaDappaaDu = kaDamai = duty) The nature has full of inter-dependencies in its workings. The energy flows from the higher potential to the lower potential, naturally without any reciprocation expected. Sri Valluvar shows the nature's model for giving and by mentioning it as a duty, he is also advising not to avoid helping others. #108GURU 6. ॐ अप्रतिकर ज्ञानामृत वर्षिताय नमः ஓம் அப்ரதிகர ஞானாம்ருத வர்ஷிதாய நம: #KURAL 211 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

39. "Positive Signs of the Virtuous!" #KURAL 93

#KROM 39. "Positive Signs of  the Virtuous!" Sweet, helpful words from inside out with an inviting pleasant mirth are the signs of virtuous! முகத்தான் அமர்ந்து இனிது நோக்கி அகத்தானாம் இன்சொலின் அதே அறம். 93 mugatthaan amarndhu inidhu nOkki agatthaanaam insolin adhE aRam. A pauper cannot donate money to others! A person who is devoid of peace and happiness cannot make others peaceful and happy. Even if one forcefully sacrifices for others' sake, this cannot be sustained for long, like a starving mother feeding her new-born baby. When an action is not genuinely performed inside out, it becomes a show over time, at times a sad one. :-( #108GURU 5. ॐ मन्दहसित स्वात्माराम सुभाषिताय नमः ஓம் மந்த3ஹஸித ஸ்வாத்மாராம ஸுபா4ஷிதாய நம: #KURAL 93 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

38. "Minimum Criteria for Dharma!" #KURAL 35

#KROM 38. "Minimum Criteria for Dharma!" Jealousy, Sensual Desire, Anger, and Harsh words do not ever accompany Dharma! அழுக்காறு அவா வெகுளி இன்னாச்சொல் இந்நான்கும் இழுக்கா இயன்றது அறம். 35 azhukkaRu avaa veguLi innaacchol innaangum izhukkaa iyanRadhu aRam. After setting the upper bar of Dharma in the previous Kural, Sri Valluvar here sets the lower bar of Dharma, with the outwardly observable negative aspects, and together defines the boundary for spirituality. One important aspect of the spiritual teachings is that they are directional, i.e. relative to where one is in the spiritual evolution and where he needs to progress to. Even though the goal is perfection, as set in the previous Kural, the aspirant is expected to do his best towards the direction of the goal. The benefit the aspirant derives will be as proportional to the effort he exerts! #108GURU 4. ॐ काम क्रोध मात्सर दुर्भाष रहिताय नमः ஓம் காம க்ரோத4 மாத்ஸர து3ர்பா4ஷ ரஹிதாய நம: #KURAL 35 Recently Oc

37. "Criteria for Dharma - Simply Defined Yet Difficult to Achieve!" #KURAL 34

#KROM 37. "Criteria for Dharma - Simply Defined Yet Difficult to Achieve!" Making one's mind free from all impurities is an all-inclusive, complete Dharma (set of virtues). Everything else is only restless pomp and show! மனத்துக்கண் மாசு இலன் ஆதல் அனைத்து அறன்; ஆகுல நீர பிற. 34 manatthukkaN maasu ilan aadhal anaitthu aRan aakula nIra piRa. (aakula = aaravaaram = pomp and show, restlessness) The mental "impurities" referred here are any negative attitudes, emotions, or tendencies... So, what is the connection between one's mental purity to Dharma, that too all-inclusive? One sees the world through his mind. He reflects outside what is inside him. It is difficult to know what is right or wrong so long as the judging mind itself is not pure. When he cleanses his mind, the world appears to him as they are, in reality, and then, it becomes effortless (i.e., without mental "friction") for him to perform actions that are in tune with nature

36. "Perfect Words of a Saint Tally with Scriptures!" #KURAL 28

#KROM 36. "Perfect Words of a Saint Tally with Scriptures!" A true Saint's perfect, truthful words are in tune with the scriptures of the land and they indicate his greatness. நிறைமொழி மாந்தர் பெருமை நிலத்து மறைமொழி காட்டி விடும். 28 niRaimozhi maandhar perumai nilatthu maRaimozhi kaaTTi viDum. The holy scriptures are referred by the word "Agama" in Sanskrit, which also means "intuitive knowledge" that every human being has potential to attain. One who does not have scriptural knowledge may wonder how to assess if Saint's teachings are in tune with scriptures or not. The best way is to feel the heart, not head, whether it is at peace or aggravated upon hearing them. Even though the listener may not be intellectually comprehend what he heard, if his heart feels at peace, it is likely to be true. #108GURU 2. ॐ परिपूर्ण वेदागम वाकीशाय नमः ஓம் பரிபூர்ண வேதாக3ம வாகீசாய நம: #KURAL 28 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM

35. "Dharma - A Safe and Sure Path for Here and Beyond!" #KURAL 8

#KROM 35. "Dharma - A Safe and Sure Path for Here and Beyond!" Surrendering to the Lotus Feet of the God, in the form of Guru, who is the ocean of Dharma (Virtues, Righteousness, Natural Conduct) is the sure way to cross the ocean of samsaara. There is no other path than Dharma that is safe and sure for here and beyond.       அற ஆழி அந்தணன் தாள் சேர்ந்தார்க்கு அல்லால் பிற ஆழி நீந்தல் அரிது. 8 aRa aazhi andhaNan thaaL sErndhaarkku allaal piRa aazhi neendhal aRidhu. Sri Valluvar underscores the importance of Dharma in this Kural. The religion that was practised in India itself was known by the name "Sanaathan Dharma (Eternal Path)," before the name "Hinduism" was given to it. Dharma is said to be a balanced path which is also narrow and razor-edged. Many seek to escape quickly from the sufferings of the world without adhering the course of Dharma and they unfortunately end up in the hands of hypocrites who lead them in a wrong direction, as a blin

34. "Look at Actions, Not Appearance!" #KURAL 279

#KROM 34. "Look at Actions, Not Appearance!" Arrow is straight yet it harms; Harp (yaazh) is bent yet its music pleases! Likewise, without getting carried away by outwardly appearances, let the renunciate's beneficial or adverse actions be your guide in deciding whether to follow him or to ignore him. கணை கொடிது யாழ்கோடு செவ்விது ஆங்கு அன்ன வினைபடு பாலால் கொளல். 279 kaNai koDidhu yaazhkODu sevvidhu aangu anna vinaipaDu paalaal koLal. Sri Valluvar emphasized clearly here, with a powerful and comprehensive analogy, to look at their course of the actions rather than appearance before placing your faith in renunciates. In spiritual path, it is common to encounter sycophancy of zealots who unduly praise their masters and their "miracles". Beware of these! In these circumstances, the best guidance would be to see how those so-called miracles or actions can relate to you personally and to see how it may benefit you to advance spiritually! (Let's see th

33. "Hypocrites were Many Even In Sri Valluvar's Time!" #KURAL 278

#KROM 33. "Hypocrites were Many Even In Sri Valluvar's Time!" There are many who are dirty in their mind but project themselves as exalted beings performing religious customs, such as bathing in holy rivers, pretentiously. மனத்தது மாசு ஆக மாண்டார் நீராடி மறைந்து ஒழுகும் மாந்தர் பலர். 278 manatthadhu maasu aaga maaNDaar nIraaDi maRaindhu ozhugum maandhar palar. (maaNDaar = maaNbu uDaiyaar pOl = Like exalted beings; Note that "maaNDaar" means "died" in recent usage in Tamil but, in this Kural, it is not used that way.) It is somewhat of a comforting feeling that even in Sri Valluvar's days, there were numerous hypocrites under the cover of religion and is not new... It is said, "if you are not a saint, behave like one." This is a profound advice for emulating inner attitudes and conduct of a saint that makes a person advance spiritually. But if the person imitates saint's outwardly appearance and actions without the corresp

32. "Lofty but Empty Words Invite Troubles!" #KURAL 275

#KROM 32. "Lofty but Empty Words Invite Troubles!" Those who claim they had renounced everything but not in truth will invite troubles to themselves, at their most inconvenient situations, that will make them whine helplessly. பற்று அற்றேம் என்பார் படிற்று ஒழுக்கம் எற்று எற்று என்று ஏதம் பலவும் தரும். 275 paRRu aRREm enbaar paDiRRu ozhukkam eRRu eRRu enRu Edham palavum tharum. For making tall claims without matching action, the motive is to elicit favors from their listeners. Once favor is gained undeservedly, it must get neutralized by its opposite action, at some point in time. That is the Law of Nature! The trickster will end up attracting the very same thing that he wanted to avoid, as thoughts act like magnets. As mentioned before, no human intelligence can outsmart the Universal Intelligence which puts everything, from a tiny atom to the galaxies, into motion. #KURAL 275 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (

31. "Conscience is Eternally Vigilant" #KURAL 293

#KROM 31. "Conscience is Eternally Vigilant!" Never betray knowingly, thinking that nobody is watching; Your own conscience will scorch you in return, without fail. தன் நெஞ்சு அறிவது பொய்யற்க; பொய்த்த பின் தன் நெஞ்சே தன்னைச் சுடும். 293 than nenju aRivadhu poyyaRka; poyttha pin than nenjE thannaich chuDum. One's own conscience is watching always in every state of consciousness and its scope is universal although it is centered in every human heart. It is said, "All things betray thee, who betrayest Me." (*) This is the biggest punishment one would get for a crime that apparently goes unnoticed by other human beings or by law enforcement! #KURAL 293 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- * -  THE HOUND OF HEAVEN by Francis Thompson ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

30. "Vainglorious Towering Image!" #KURAL 272

#KROM 30. "Vainglorious Towering Image!" What use of projecting a sky-high towering personality oneself when his conscience knows his guilt and takes a dig at him? வான் உயர் தோற்றம் எவன் செய்யும் தன் நெஞ்சம் தான் அறி குற்றப் படின். 272 vaan uyar thoRRam evan seyyum than nenjam thaan aRi kuRRap paDin. It is a common sight to see people trashing (verbally, at times physically too) a hypocrite when he is exposed! While Sri Valluvar advises caution in believing by outwardly signs, he does not suggest people to "teach a lesson" or hurt back the exposed hypocrite. Instead, he wants us to let the hypocrite's conscience do the judgement! #KURAL 272 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

29. "May Escape from Human Law but Not Nature's Law!" #KURAL 271

#KROM 29. "May Escape from Human Law but Not Nature's Law!" The five elements of nature will smile to themselves, in mockery, by observing the behavior of a treacherous person, who commits crimes in secrecy thinking that no one is watching!    வஞ்ச மனத்தான் படிற்று ஒழுக்கம் பூதங்கள் ஐந்தும் அகத்தே நகும். 271 vanja manatthaan paDiRRu ozhukkam bhoothangaL aindhum agatthE nagum. Hypocrites and criminals will be on rise where there is laxity in Government's law. Since the perpetrators' focus is only on ensuring they are not caught by the law enforcement, they use the best means such as religion where they cannot be caught easily. Alas! the poor hypocrites cannot cheat the Nature! (Let's see how Nature deals with these criminals...)  #KURAL 271 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

28. "The Most Cruel Beings"! #KURAL 276

#KROM 28. "The Most Cruel Beings"! There are no worse cruel beings than those who pretend to live like a renunciant but do not renounce in their heart. Why? Because, they perpetrate the worst sin of destroying the sacred faith in their followers. நெஞ்சில் துறவார் துறந்தார் போல் வஞ்சித்து வாழ்வாரின் வன்கணார் இல். 276 nenjil thuRavaar thuRandhaar pOl vanjitthu vaazhvaarin vankaNaar il. People approach a saint for their wise counsel and (physical, mental, and spiritual) healing power with the hope of attaining peace immediately and salvation eventually. They offer the best of their belongings to the saint, out of love and respect, for the higher cause. The pseudo saints by betraying this most sacred trust of Guru-Disciple relationship, they perpetrate the worst sin as they do severe harm in return for the best they receive! #KURAL 276 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (i

27. "A Hidden Hunter"! #KURAL 274

#KROM 27. "A Hidden Hunter"! A person doing forbidden activities under the cover of religion and spirituality is like a hunter hidden behind a bush entrapping birds, without their awareness! தவ மறைந்து அல்லவை செய்தல் புதல் மறைந்து வேட்டுவன் புள் சிமிழ்த்தற்று . 274 thava maRaindhu allavai seidhal pudhal maRaindhu vETTuvan puL cimizhtthaRRu. (pudhal = bush; puL = bird; cimizhtthal = entrap, catch) Another striking analogy to the cunning, opportunistic tendency of hypocrites! #KURAL 274 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

26. "A Cow in Tiger's Clothing"! #KURAL 273

#KROM 26. "A Cow in Tiger's Clothing"! In order to enjoy the privileges of the society, undeservedly, one who project himself as a strongman while lacking inner strength is like a grazing cow garbed in tiger skin! வலி இல் நிலைமையான் வல்லுருவம் பெற்றம் புலியின் தோல் போர்த்து மேய்ந்தற்று. 273 vali il nilaimaiyaan valluruvam peRRam puliyin thOl pOrtthu mEindhaRRu. (peRRam = cow) It is a very striking analogy with a poetic imagination! This cow can graze easily and "royally" at whatever field of grass it wishes to. Even while seeing a grass eating tiger in amazement, nobody will dare to drive it away as "who would confront a tiger?!" Similarly, the hypocrite pretending to be a saint can abuse the privileges, offerings, privacy, and the respect society offers to his advantage without anybody daring to challenge him! The strength mentioned here mainly refers to the inner strength, i.e., mental and spiritual. While the word "vali" mea

25. Beware of Outwardly Religious but Dark Inside! #KURAL 277

#KROM 25. Beware of Outwardly Religious but Dark Inside! Beware of those who outwardly decorate themselves with ocher (saffron color, symbolizes purity) robe, but are dark inside in their heart. They are like the bead 'kunRimaNi' with its body in red color with a black dot at its corner. புறம் குன்றி கண்டனையரேனும் அகம் குன்றி மூக்கிற் கரியார் உடைத்து. 277 puram kunRi kaNDanayarEnum agam kunRi mUkkiR kariyaar uDaitthu. (kunRi (1st ) = kunRimaNi = a red color bead with a black dot at its nose; kunRi (2nd) = defect) Inner attitude is more important than outer symbols. Although outer religious signs help for easy identification and also help to keep away the notorious elements from mingling, they are relevant only with the corresponding inner realization or intention. Otherwise, these inconsistent hypocrites by their actions mislead commoners to lose faith in the religion. #KURAL 277 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM!

24. What is Surrender? #KURAL 395

#KROM 24. What is Surrender? It is better to learn from a teacher by surrendering to him, as the poor bows before the rich for monetary help; otherwise, they remain as illiterates and get devalued. உடையார் முன் இல்லார் போல் ஏக்கற்றும் கற்றார் கடையரே கல்லாதவர். 395 uDayaar mun illaar pOl EkaRRum kaRRaar kaDaiyarE kalladhavar. (EkkaRRu = bowing) Surrender or the symbolic bowing implies openness to receive his teacher's guidance with faith. Faith, confidence, trust, and belief refers to same aspect with descending degree of importance. In any mundane or lofty transactions, in order to know something unknown, one must implicitly or explicitly believe first. But, most of the worldly transactions can be objectively proven and hence, there is not much importance given to the belief aspect. However, in spiritual and psychological aspects, these cannot be proven until one experiences them and so, faith is of paramount importance in these. While one must be careful before confid