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14. Good begets good; Bad begets bad! #KURAL 320

#KURAL 320 Recently Occurred in Mind

#KROM 14. Good begets good; Bad begets bad!
If one inflicts pain on others, he gets to suffer in return as its result. So, those who want to avoid suffering should not hurt others. Good begets good; Bad begets bad! It seems obvious, what is so special about it? In many of our dealings, we may find that the results are not immediately seen and, at times, we may even see contradictory results! Why?

Although each action is judged immediately in the doer's consciousness, the results may not manifest right away! That is because, the results require appropriate place, time, and instruments for them to manifest.
நோய் எல்லாம் நோய் செய்தார் மேல ஆம்; நோய் செய்யார்
நோய் இன்மை வேண்டுபவர்.

nOi ellam nOi seidhaar mEla (v)aam; nOi seiyaar
nOi inmai vEnDubavar.

(OK, will the results always come back to the doer? How many days it may take?)
Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English)
