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Showing posts from March, 2015

23. First Step in Spirituality! #KURAL 130

#KROM 23. First Step in Spirituality! One who accepts the given situation or condition without seething in anger and seeks to learn from it will get the guidance of the Virtue. கதம் காத்துக் கற்று அடங்கல் ஆற்றுவான் செவ்வி அறம் பார்க்கும் ஆற்றின் நுழைந்து. 130 kadham kaatthuk kaRRu aDangal aaRRuvaan sevvi aRam paarkkum aRRin nuzhaindhu. (kadham = anger; sevvi = condition) When one feels angry even if it is hidden, his mental faculty loses the balance to see things as they are. Accepting the present moment without mental resistance gives the best chance of grasping the totality of the problem. As Sri Valluvar poetically expressed, Virtue will thrust itself into that person's life to help him! #KURAL 130 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

22. Where Book Learning Fails? #KURAL 373

#KROM 22. Where Book Learning Fails? Even if one reads variety of lofty books, only his natural intelligence will still prevail during real-life situations. நுண்ணிய நூல் பல கற்பினும் மற்றும் தன் உண்மை அறிவே மிகும். 373 nuNNiya nool pala kaRpinum maRRum than uNmai aRivE migum. Normally, self-help is the best form of help when acting upon aspects where mind is the actor! However, when it comes to life's learning or spirituality, it involves understanding one's own mind (i.e., mind is acted upon by the same mind as actor). As we saw before (Kural 849), it is not easy for himself to comprehend beyond what one knows. Reading lofty books intellectually merely reflect his own state of consciousness. More over, the spiritual path (Dharma) is mentioned as a narrow, razor-edge path. It is easy to get a wrong interpretation with limited intelligence and the consequence of that would be grave.  The more important ingredient to break this apparent paradox is faith in the guidance

21. Why is it Hard to Believe in Spirituality? #KURAL 849

#KROM 21. Why is it Hard to Believe in Spirituality? One who tries to explain something to a stubbornly egoistic person will end up confused himself, as the stubborn will continue to see only as he wants to see. It is hard to offer help to a fool as it may backfire and so, wise keep their own counsel. காணாதாற் (கு) காட்டுவான் தான்காணான் காணாதான் கண்டானாம் தான் கண்டவாறு. 849 kaaNathaaR (ku) kaaTTuvaan thaankaaNaan kaaNaathaan kaNDaanaam thaan kaNDavaaRu. People know only as much as what comes within the range of their consciousness. Without getting help, they will not be able to understand those who have broader consciousness than themselves or those who have a different range of consciousness (e.g., a reason-predominant person will have issues understanding a feeling-predominant person). In this Kural, while commenting on stupidity, Sri Valluvar inadvertently describes the nature of consciousness and its relevance to faith. Spirituality is about evolving one's own cons

20. "Every saint is a sinner who never gave up!" #KURAL 620

#KROM 20. "Every saint is a sinner who never gave up!" Without time-boxing one's expectation, if one can continually put proper effort without getting dejected by apparent downfalls, he can defeat his Karma driven away, showing its back! It is said, "Every saint is a sinner who never gave up!" ஊழையும் உப்பக்கம் காண்பர் உலைவு இன்றித் தாழாது உஞற்றுபவர். 620 Uzhaiyum uppakkam kaaNbar ulaivu inRith thaazhaadhu ujnaRRupavar. So then, why did Sri Valluvar say, "no amount of thinking can outsmart it" in Kural 380? Is there a contradiction? Every moment occurs to an individual as per his past karma and the free-will of the individual. At the present moment, that individual cannot do anything to outsmart it. This is what is mentioned in Kural 380. However, in future, the same individual can use free-will properly with persistent effort in order to overcome the Karma. These are mentioned in Kural 619 and 620. There is no real contradiction as they h

19. Effort's supremacy over Karma! #KURAL 619

#KROM 19. Effort's supremacy over Karma! Even when something does not happen due to one's karma, his sincere effort made with the human body does yield returns. தெய்வத்தான் ஆகாது எனினும் முயற்சி தன் மெய் வருத்தக் கூலி தரும். 619 deivaththaan aagaathu eninum muyaRchi than mei varuththak kooli tharum. If you carefully analyze the cause of Karma, it is nothing but your own making which was done by the use of your free-will, at some point in time in the past. The proper use of free-will gets you good Karma and its misuse gets you bad Karma. Hence if some of the results are not to your liking, those can be undone by their compensating opposite actions with proper use of free-will. #KURAL 619 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

18. Karma's inevitability! #KURAL 380

#KROM 18. Karma's inevitability! Karma is supremely powerful and no amount of thinking and planning will be able to outsmart it.   ஊழின் பெரு வலி யாவுள? மற்றொன்று சூழினும் தான் முந்துறும். 380 Uzhin peru vali yaavuLa? maRRonRu sUzhinum thaan mundhuRum. Many conclude this Kural as finality and give up making effort. This is a wrong attitude! Sri Valluvar himself clarifies in other places that this is not final as it sounds and we will see them in the next few Kurals! #KURAL 380 Recently Occurred in Mind ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

17. Infinite Variables Equation Solver - continued! #KURAL 378

#KURAL 378 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 17. Infinite Variables Equation Solver - continued! ---- A pauper is not able to give up material life and take up Sannyaas to lead an ascetic life of poverty! Even though his material conditions have driven him to give up, he is not able to do. Why? துறப்பார்மன் துப்புரவு இல்லார் உறற் பால ஊட்டா கழியும் எனின். thuRappaarman thuppuravu illaar uRaR paala UTTaa kazhiyum enin. "Life is a challenging riddle!" Because a human being does not operate in silo and there are numerous other living and non-living things he interacts with. Individual free-will and cause and effect of past actions of all the involved make a complex web of variables to solve. Nobody else but only God solves the equation of these infinite variables every moment, with His Vast Intelligence! So, why does God have to go through so much effort? Can He not let the results instantly manifest? What prevents Him from doing it immediately? The important t

16. Infinite Variables Equation Solver! #KURAL 377

#KURAL 377 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 16. Infinite Variables Equation Solver! ---- A millionaire has amassed a huge wealth yet is unable to enjoy! Why? "Life is a challenging riddle!" Because a human being does not operate in silo and there are numerous other living and non-living things he interacts with. Individual free-will and cause and effect of past actions of all the involved make a complex web of variables to solve. Nobody else but only God solves the equation of these infinite variables every moment, with His Vast Intelligence! வகுத்தான் வகுத்த வகை அல்லால் கோடி தொகுத்தார்க்கும் துய்த்தல் அரிது. vagutthaan vaguttha vagai allaal kODi thogutthaarkkum thuitthal aridhu. 377 (Why does God have to go through so much effort? Can He not let the results instantly manifest? What prevents Him from doing it immediately?) ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM! (in English) (in Sourashtra)

15. 100% Accountability! #KURAL 319

#KURAL 319 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 15. 100% Accountability! ---- Can I get away with doing something wrong when no one else noticing it? Unfortunately, the answer is "No" :-( ! There is 100% accountability! There are truly no "lucks" or "accidents" under God's Law! Nobody can escape the results of the actions performed! As mentioned earlier, not all results manifest immediately. Those yet-to-be-manifested results accumulate as one's Karma and remain in that individual's consciousness until they get manifested or negated by opposite actions. Some results may happen instantly, while others may happen in few days, months, or years,  may take one life time, many life times, or even many yugas. But, each one of them shall have to execute without exception! பிறர்க்கு இன்னா முற்பகல் செய்யின் தமக்கு இன்னா பிற்பகல் தாமே வரும். piRarkku innaa muRpagal seiyyin thamakku innaa piRpagal thaame varum. (OK, will the results always come b

14. Good begets good; Bad begets bad! #KURAL 320

#KURAL 320 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 14. Good begets good; Bad begets bad! ---- If one inflicts pain on others, he gets to suffer in return as its result. So, those who want to avoid suffering should not hurt others. Good begets good; Bad begets bad! It seems obvious, what is so special about it? In many of our dealings, we may find that the results are not immediately seen and, at times, we may even see contradictory results! Why? Although each action is judged immediately in the doer's consciousness, the results may not manifest right away! That is because, the results require appropriate place, time, and instruments for them to manifest. --- நோய் எல்லாம் நோய் செய்தார் மேல ஆம்; நோய் செய்யார் நோய் இன்மை வேண்டுபவர். nOi ellam nOi seidhaar mEla (v)aam; nOi seiyaar nOi inmai vEnDubavar. (OK, will the results always come back to the doer? How many days it may take?) ---- #PHD Jai Gurudev! AUM!  (in English)

13. Why is there difference among human beings? #KURAL 972

#KURAL 972 Recently Occurred in Mind #KROM 13. Why is there difference among human beings? ---- God created all human beings in the same way with mind and a body, equipped with senses. However, every human being differs in character from others by the actions they perform based on individual's own  wishes! பிறப்பு ஒக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும் சிறப்பு ஒவ்வா செய் தொழில் வேற்றுமையான். piRappu okkum ellaa uyirkkum siRappu ovva sei thozhil vERRumaiyaan. All life-forms operate on one fundamental principle: to avoid pain and to increase pleasure (dukha nivritti, sukha pravritti)! However, the actions are directional that can be in good or bad direction or fall somewhere in between. Depending on the nature of action, the fruits of action ensue accordingly as pleasure or pain or in between. (E. Brother: Then, why so much differences in humans at the time of birth itself? Some are born in poverty, with terrible diseases, handicapped, etc. Do the results of actions not show up rig