#KROM 71. "Help of a Wealthy Great Soul - Gold Medal!" Wealth of a great soul will help others like an unfailing medicinal herb. மருந்தாகித் தப்பா மரத்தற்றால் செல்வம் பெருந் தகையான்கண் படின். 217 marundhaagith thappaa maratthaRRaal selvam perun thagaiyaankaN paDin. In this final Kural of the trio, the focus is on the "soul" ("Guru") quality of the giver. The soul quality is chiefly composed of all-encompassing qualities of wisdom, love, service, and bliss and can expand in these aspects infinitely without any limit. The medicinal herbs, cited in the simile, typically grow in wild terrains with less or no care offered in their growth. Also, commonly, all parts of the bush (branches, leaves, fruit, etc.) have medicinal value and are used in making different forms of medicines. While taking less or nothing from its surroundings in the form of care or maintenance, the unfailing life-giving herb exemplifies the ultimate act of "self-offering...
An Intuitive Commentary of Holy Kural by Phd Siva (www.mccrf.org), an ancient Tamil Classic, by Saint Valluvar. "It is a grand mosaic of cultural creation, a repertory of universal thoughts and truths. It is the one Book for all times and a world that lives it shall enjoy eternal peace, harmony, health, wealth, power, grace, and bliss." - From Yogi Suddhananda Bharati's English Couplets Introduction